
May 2024
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faces with solar eclipse glasses
Solar Eclipse viewing
students smiling
NHDI smiles!
children listening to a story
Tea with Lady Sapphire
Coding with Mr. DeWItt
Coding with Mr. DeWItt
Making Solstice Glitter Jars
Making Solstice Glitter Jars
Spreading Joy in Greenfield
Spreading Joy in Greenfield
Storyteller Len Cabral at GES
Storyteller Len Cabral at GES
Our own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Our own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade


Our Vision

In the ConVal community, all learners will achieve academically, act thoughtfully, and contribute to the larger society.

Greenfield Elementary School ...

provides a safe, collaborative community, which nurtures learning, teaching and a sense of belonging. Recognizing the different needs of students, we strive to develop and encourage lifelong learners. G.E.S. promotes strong family and community relations to instill responsibility, respect and citizenship.

GES Entrance